Saturday 8 March 2014

15mm Ocopod walker

Here is a basic waker that i built from ploystrene shapes that i got from a discount store. The body is a heart with a cone from an egg on top. The legs are mini ice cream sticks mounted on 20mm mdf round bases along with a 15mm base for the cockpit. The gun is made from the cut offs left over from the legs with a cocktale stick as the barrel. I can make 8 of these for $5!. Which can be more then enough for my solo gamimg.

Tuesday 27 August 2013

Security Force Alpha Miniature review and painting guide

Security Force Alpha 

Right, Now lets take a look at SFA. These guys were ordered at the same time as the Octopods and are welcomed asset to my growing collection. The background idea for SFA is either light infantry or security contractors. My small sized skirmish force consist of  the following.
 6 with shotguns
 6 with sub-machine guns
 2 heavy weapons
1 special weapon
1 Sniper,medic, general,com-link
 2 Sergeants
 1 laserburn heavy laser.

It's a good mix of troops ideal for the small engagements on there own or a motorized company just by giving them transports for larger games. At the moment I am in the throws of making some scratched build hover tanks and APC's for them to boost the playing points range. I will be posting a painting guild next along with how I made my tanks and APC.

Painted Security force Alpha 

Here are some painted examples of my SFA. The color scheme is boring green and brown but it was a snap to paint and they look good on my board so whats not to like lol. 

Tuesday 7 August 2012

This Rooster Plays Games!

 Hello and welcome to my blog my fellow 15mm enthusiast! Here on this blog I will be sharing my solo gamer experiences in the view of battle reports and reviews of miniatures/game systems that I have in my collection. The 15mm journey started for me in the middle of 2011 as I was looking for something different on my gaming front as I have been A GW Borg for the last 12 years and needed a fresh take on the hobby. Don't get me wrong I still love Warhammer fantasy and 40k but with my occupation requiring me to work unsociable hours it was becoming more of a desperate holding onto the"good old days" when I had every Sunday off and spent that at the club. So I needed a new take on my favorite hobby.   


 It all started with a Google search for 15mm Sci-Fi games/armies and in those searches I came to find Gruntz15mm, USE ME 15mm Sci-Fi along with a host of independent miniature manufacturers. It was like a whole new sub culture to me! so vibrant and fresh with the sheer choice of miniatures and rules to choose from that it's almost encouraged that they expect you to mix and match from various sources to build your armies from. this is a very cool idea indeed!


  Work. The bane of any hobbyist and more so for the gamer.  As with all the fun things in life you usually need two to play. BUT as I found out with the U.S.E.ME Sci-fi rules come with a nice little bolt on rule set for solo play. They quite basic and straight forward with a nice mechanic to direct the “robot player’s” actions. I won’t go into details here but I have had about ten games so far and with even results (OK I lose mostly) but they are quiet fun to play. And i will be using these for my 15mm Solo campaign very soon 


  The other day I was on the barking irons website and downloaded the additional rules for using Hive mind type armies and moral systems along with other bits and pieces of useful rules to add some flavor to my games. This was perfect because I had some Spriggan Spugs and a Star Wars Acklay miniatures just waiting for some rules to be tabled with. And I have to admit they are pretty awesome indeed and the Acklay is a beast on the table! Go to the web site and download a copy now and see for yourself. Miniatures Review:

 Octopods and Security Force Alpha 

AWESOME! I'm not going to lie, I have been looking forward to this delivery by checking the mail box for the last 3 weeks until the one afternoon they arrived. On first inspection the Octopods had plenty of character about them. With clean basic lines that would ensure a good paint job without needing to spend hours a piece on them. I am so pleased with the way they turned out  that I will be posting a painting guild on how I did them on here soon.

How I painted the Octopods

1. give the WHOLE miniature a base coat of Skorne Red.

2. Then paint the skin areas Cammo Green the guns/backpacks Thunderhawk blue and the Armour and hoses Bubonic brown.

3. after giving the entire miniature a watered down coat of Flesh wash, highlight the red with Khador Red Base. The skin is then painted Ogryn cammo  followed by rotting flesh for the final highlight. skull white for the eyes. hoses and Armour Heartfire yellow and finally the weapons and back packs a mix of Thunderhawk blue and a little skull white. Though the camera does not pick up the different shades of red they do look quite good if i do say so myself!.